Jas Martinez
Apr 22, 2021


I kinda get it, even though I identify as a trans woman I don’t know what it feels like to be woman. I know what it feels like to be me. All I know and have known for years is when I dressed as a woman it felt right. When I grew my hair some twenty years ago it felt right. Every things our society deemed externally feminine felt right. So far four years into my transition internally feminine escapes me. I attribute the sense internal non-femininity to decades of male socialization and my constant enforcement of suppressing those feelings. Maybe “she” needs more time to figure things out or I am a trans woman that really wants to hold on to her inner man.



Jas Martinez

A Tex-Mex Woman, Boots & Jeans, Cotton Dresses & Bare Feet Coffee, IPA & Scotch Storyteller & Creative